Move to Spitzwegstraße
More green, more air, more space. Not far from Bavaria, close to the (old) NI headquarters, the XOn has found a new home.
Certified employees
Our team now also has
Certified Professional Instructors (CPI)
as well as
Certified LabVIEW Architects (CLA)
Certified LabVIEW Developers (CLD)
Thirty years XOn
XOn celebrates its 30th anniversary together with its loyal customers on a raft ride on the Isar
ISO 9001.2015
XOn is certified according to the new standard ISO 9001.2015
Twenty five years of alliance partnership
XOn is now a
Alliance Partner of National Instruments
ISO 9001.2008
XOn ensures the quality of its work through certification according to the standard
ISO 9001.2008
Certified Competence
XOn is strengthened by new employees and is one of two companies in Germany to employ a
Certified LabVIEW Architect
This is the year of LabVIEW FPGA. Our portfolio ist expanded by our new
LIN Development Suite
, a system for testing LIN control units. In the semiconductor industry we are using FPGA boards for chip testing and increase test speed significantly.
2004 A Painful Loss
The year is overshadowed by the death of one of our managing directors,
Josef Trauner.
2001 XOn International
XOn's test standards are now used outside of Germany. Large projects are benchmarks for rear axle transmissions at Visteon/Swansea/Wales and mechanical testing of a motor at MWM/Sao Paulo/Brasilen. The team similarly becomes more international. Riccardo (Bosis) comes straight out of the University of Milan to XOn.
Large Orders
The size of projects similarly grows. A highlight in 1999 was the test facility EPCOS with 100 complete testing bays. Infineon gets in touch with XOn as well and commissions us to develop testing and programming places for semi-conductor sensors. The team is strengthened through Peter (Prinzen) who voluntarily uses his spare time to hone this debut on the internet.
1998 www.xon.de, DAO Toolkit is sold worldwide, Rafting
The importance of the internet grows in Europe as well. XOn improves its debut on the Web with the new concise address and attracts a worldwide clientele through it. The
DAO Toolkit
is sold in Australia, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA in 1998. Together with ABB, the first motor mechanical testing test standards for Mercedes emerges in Berlin while the machines for Bosch's unit-injector fuel-injection systems go into production. XOn celebrates its 10th year anniversary with a damp and festive rafting expedition on the Isar. To this day, customers still gladly recount tales of the occasion.
Carrera Railway
At the MessComp, visitors could prove their deftness at the Carrera racetrack.The computer with LabVIEW and IMAQ Vision is nearly unbeatable, but customers struggle until the night watchman switches off the power.
Move to Luisenstraße
With much more space and new employees, we moved to Luisenstraße in the autumn, a seemingly unlimited space for new ideas. As an electrical engineer, Martin Müller brings new expertise to XOn; since then, soldering mathematicians have only appeared in funny anecdotes.
1995 Registered Brand X1®
Our first product
honorobaly enters the scene. Design and logo are copyrighted as brands.
Framework Contract with BMW
After many successful projects, XOn receives a framework contract from BMW AG with which systems were to be quickly and flexibly delivered without burocratic costs.
Alliance with National Instruments
Beginning in 1992, we became attracted to the sun in the new offices at Sonnenstraße, directly in the center of Munich. National Instruments had just established a German branch whose then three-man-strong team started an alliance with XOn, its first German partner. At this point in time, LabWindows for DOS was above all being employed. LabVIEW first became prominent with its 2.5 edition which operated on on Intel Processor systems.
In 1991, XOn moved together with Rd Electronics to newer, bigger and more beautiful rooms in the S-Bahn area outside of Munich. Josef Trauner, a long-time employee since 1990, still has a valid work contract which contains such interesting clauses as, "the employee has his own complete company workforce at his disposal." Apparently, we tried to wear out our work-study students in a complex project for Linde AG. Klaus Riedl stayed the course and is one of the managing directors today.
Foundation by A. Zimmer and J. Döring
XOn sees the light of day. In the Commercial Registry Department B, our purpose as a company, "production and distribution of all types of software as well as engineering services in the area of system technology," is entered under number 86611. XOn mainly creates operations software and applications with the data loggers of RD Electronics. Our first office was located at Gmunder Straße with a dimension of 30,6 m²- it clearly offered more comfort than the classic basement office.The first big client of our early days was BMW.